ImageLab > History

The ImageLab is a system designed to serve as a laboratory in the implementation of new algorithms and methods in the area of processing and visualization of medical images.

Although the character of research has a greater significance in the use of the tool which can also be used directly by the professional Doctor, since they are offered specific features used in the analysis and diagnosis, currently focusing on cardiovascular imaging.

Another aspect of the software to be highlighted is the possibility to enable the achievement of the geometry of simulation models (interaction with the tool of modeling and simulation HeMoLab).

Regarding implementation, the system uses open source libraries (ITK, VTK and Qt) and has a modular architecture to facilitate the inclusion of new filters and image processing methods. Initially, filters were incorporated into the traditional image processing and 3D visualization methods such as generation
Surface and Volume Rendering, among others.

Recent techniques of image processing, such as breaking through the topological derivative, which are still under research were incorporated into the software. We describe the structure of ImageLab, main features, aspects related to software architecture and, ultimately, is shown an application of potential interest in medicine.
