
. January 12, 2021: Computational Hemodynamics across the Scales: From Fundamentals to Applications – WCCM-ECCOMAS 2020

. May 25, 2017: Visitação de alunos ao laboratório HeMoLab
Recebemos visita de grupo de estudantes do colégio Dom Pedro II no laboratório HeMoLab com intuito de conhecer trabalho desenvolvido pela equipe do projeto e despertar interesse na área de ciência e tecnologia.

. March 21, 2017: HeMoLab e Supercomputador Santos Dumont – Brasil Ciência l Discovery Channel 
O grupo HeMoLab é destaque em capítulo do ciclo Brasil Ciência do Discovery Channel sobre o Supercomputador Santos Dumont. Veja o episódio completo em:

 . May 12, 2016: LNCC na coordenação de propostas recomendadas para financiamento pelo CNPq. Nesta manhã de 12 de maio de 2016, foi divulgada pelo CNPq a relação de propostas de Institutos Nacionais de Ciência e Tecnologia (INCTs) que receberam recomendação no processo de análise de mérito técnico-científico para financiamento no âmbito da Chamada INCT – MCTI/CNPq/CAPES/FAPs nº 16/2014:
O LNCC está envolvido diretamente na coordenação de propostas aprovadas e recomendadas para financiamento: INCT-MACC – Medicina Assistida por Computação Científica, que neste período tem coordenação de Jose Eduardo Krieger (InCor/USP) e Vice-Coordenação de Pablo Blanco (LNCC); Em particular, o INCT-MACC figura como *1o. lugar* na lista nacional de INCTs recomendados a financiamento, o que reconhece e destaca os excelentes resultados obtidos por sua equipe na primeira edição de financiamento (2008-2016), sob liderança e coordenação do Prof. Raul Feijóo (LNCC), bem como vice-coordenação de Artur Ziviani (LNCC). Confira aqui a relação.

. April 13, 2016: Entrevista do coordenador do HeMoLab Pablo Blanco ao programa Tecnologia em Libras da TV Ines.O Tecnologia em Libras visita o Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica, em Petrópolis, na Região Serrana do Rio de Janeiro, um dos mais importantes Centros de Pesquisas do país. No LNCC, nascem novos softwares de realidade virtual, utilizados nos mais diversos campos da Pesquisa, da Biomedicina à indústria do petróleo. Nele, está ainda o maior supercomputador da América Latina, que dá suporte a todos os Institutos de Ciência e Tecnologia do Brasil. Fique ligado!

. September 2, 2015: Multiscale Plenary Talk. Plenary Talk
Visiting Professor at HeMoLab, Prof. Eduardo de Souza Neto, from Swansea University, delivered a plenary talk at the XIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS 2015). The talk, entitled “The Method of Multiscale Virtual Power. A Recipe for the Development of RVE-Based Multiscale Model”, addressed the variational framework of the Method of Mutiscale Virtual Power to takle multiscale modeling of physical systems. The video of the talk is available in the link above.

What if physicians and surgeons could virtually analyze their patients’ health and plan therapies and surgeries using the same advanced simulation technology that the automotive, aerospace, energy and hi-tech industries rely on to test their product before they are built? What if medical devices could be designed and safely tested in the virtual world before ever being tested in the real world?

. January 19, 2015: Entrevista do coordenador do HeMoLab Pablo Blanco ao programa Ciência em Movimento.

. November 28, 2014: Pesquisador do LNCC Tem Projeto Aprovado em Chamada Pública.
O projeto “Estimação não invasiva de reserva de fluxo fracionado (FFR) a partir de imagens de tomografia computadorizada e simulação numérica de fenômenos hemodinâmicos”, coordenado pelo professor Pablo Javier Blanco, do Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica (LNCC), foi selecionado na Chamada Universal 2014 do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq/MCTI), Faixa B – até R$ 60.000,00. O projeto envolve o LNCC em parceria com o Instituto do Coração e o Hospital Sírio-Libanês, instituições médicas líderes no Brasil. A Chamada tem por objetivo selecionar propostas para apoio financeiro a projetos que visem contribuir significativamente para o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico e inovação do País. E, atendendo a esse objetivo, o projeto contemplado pretende desenvolver métodos numéricos para análises fluidodinâmicas visando estimar índices hidrodinâmicos associados à oclusão de artérias coronárias e seu impacto no risco de isquemia miocárdica. Espera-se que os resultados alcançados com esse projeto forneçam ferramentas não invasivas de confiabilidade equivalente às técnicas invasivas para auxiliar na avaliação de isquemia de miocárdio em pacientes com doença coronária.

.  November 04, 2014: Mapa virtual das artérias.
Representação tridimensional do sistema cardiovascular simula procedimentos cirúrgicos e agiliza diagnósticos e tratamentos. Além de reproduzir a anatomia humana, o mapa 3D apresenta o comportamento cardiovascular de forma funcional.

.  July 24, 2014: HeMoLab is news in Magazine Pesquisa RIO FAPERJ.
Dear Colleagues, Below, article published in issue No. 27 of the magazine Search RIO FAPERJ highlighting research conducted by HeMoLab (Laboratory of Hemodynamics Modeling) LNCC. Read the article: Page 1 – Page 2 – Page 3 – Full Magazine

 June 09, 2014: AdanWeb é destaque no portal INCT-MACC. 
Prezados Colegas, É com grande satisfação que convidamos a todos a visitar o novo site dos INCTs no CNPq:
Reparem na aba de “Destaques“. Há três destaques, dos três, um é o livro geral dos INCTs (favor vejam as páginas 133 e 265 onde esta o INCT-MACC). Os outros dois destaques são o ImageLab e o ADAN-WEB ambos sistemas desenvolvidos dentro das atividades do INCT-MACC.

 . February 24, 2014: Pesquisa mapeia sistema cardiovascular para aperfeiçoar precisão dos diagnósticos.
A computação vem revolucionando a medicina, que cada vez mais se utiliza de modelos computacionais para reproduzir virtualmente o ambiente do corpo humano. “Esses modelos darão lugar a uma medicina assistida por modelagem computacional, já que são capazes de fornecer direcionamentos no desenvolvimento de novos planejamentos cirúrgicos e novas estratégias terapêuticas, assim como no desenvolvimento de diagnósticos mais acurados”, explica Raúl Feijóo, coordenador do Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Medicina Assistida por Computação Científica (INCT-MACC), uma rede de pesquisa voltada para o desenvolvimento de tecnologias computacionais na área.

 . February 24, 2014: Pesquisa mapeia sistema cardiovascular para aperfeiçoar precisão dos diagnósticos.
A computação vem revolucionando a medicina, que cada vez mais se utiliza de modelos computacionais para reproduzir virtualmente o ambiente do corpo humano.

 . January 24, 2014Survey maps cardiovascular system to improve the accuracy of diagnoses.
Listen to radio news given by CNPq.

 .January 23, 2014: Survey maps cardiovascular system to improve the accuracy of diagnoses.
A group of Brazilian researchers coordinated by the National Institute of Science and Technology in Medicine Assisted by Scientific Computing (INCT MACC) developed over a four year research project aimed at mapping the human cardiovascular system. Termed as Model ADAN (Anatomically Detailed Arterial Network – acronym in English), the project allows the study and simulation of the functioning of the cardiovascular system at the level of the border of the medical and scientific knowledge

 .January 22, 2014: Project maps the human cardiovascular system.
Developed with the help of medical experts, computer simulation / dimensional’ve incorporated 2,142 arteries. A group of Brazilian researchers coordinated by the National Institute of Science and Technology in Medicine Assisted by Scientific Computing (INCT MACC) developed over a four year research project aimed at mapping the human cardiovascular system.

 . January 22, 2014: Survey maps cardiovascular system to improve the accuracy of diagnoses.
A group of Brazilian researchers coordinated by the National Institute of Science and Technology in Medicine Assisted by Scientific Computing (INCT MACC) developed over a four year research project aimed at mapping the human cardiovascular system. Termed as Model ADAN (Anatomically Detailed Arterial Network – acronym in English), the project allows the study and simulation of the functioning of the cardiovascular system at the level of the border of the medical and scientific knowledge.

 . January 13, 2014: The ADAN-WEB system already is available for access.
Interested in the study of human cardiovascular system can access the application. Developed over the past four years by the HeMoLab team the ADAN-WEB had the support of MCTI, CNPq, FAPERJ, CAPES and FINEP among other institutions to support R & D activities in the country The system can be accessed freely using any browser that supports WebGL.

 . December 18, 2013: Professor Pablo Javier Blanco is elected member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.
The researcher at the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing – LNCC / MCTI Dr. Pablo Javier Blanco was elected at the annual general meeting, member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, held on Wednesday (18) in the institution. Blanco shall join the staff of the ABC in the area MEMBERS AFFILIATES 2014-2018 Regional Vice-Presidency of Rio de Janeiro. Possession will be formalized in 2014.

 . December 11, 2013: ADAN-Web. Elaborated over the last four years by staff and HeMoLab within the objectives of INCT-MACC, the ADAN System – WEB told, for its development, with the support of MCTI, CNPq, FAPERJ, CAPES and FINEP among other institutions to support R & D activities in the country Finally ADAN system – WEB can be accessed freely using any browser with WebGL support at where even there more information about the system, staff development and sponsoring institutions.

 . October 20, 2013: Video do IV Simposio do ICE – Avanços recentes na modelagem do sistema cardiovascular humano. Quais as possíveis aplicações clínicas e na educação de profissionais de saúde? Palestrante: Pablo Blanco (LNCC/INCT-MACC) Clique aqui.

 . August 06-08, 2012: 2st Workshop on Scientific Computing in Health Applications.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together national and international researchers somehow related through each other through the activities of the INCT-MACC in order to divulge the most recent advances in their corresponding areas of research. In addition, the workshop will serve to promote the INCT-MACC meetings with the aim of assessing the results obtained throughout the first year of existence of the institute. Moreover, the workshop will congregate renowned international researchers for them to provide their perspectives in their corresponding areas of research aiming at evaluating the directions taken by the associated laboratories within the INCT-MACC in terms of their activities plan.

 . November 15-18, 2010: Session on Computational Methods in Hemodynamics as part of the 2010 BICENTENNIAL MECOM Conference.
Over the last few years, predictive computational tools have been introduced in medical practice as a result of joint research on areas of engineering, biology and medicine. The actual degree of development achieved by the computational modeling techniques together with the increasing computational power offered by the actual generation of computers has allowed the development and analysis of highly sophisticated computational models. Such models integrate the complexity of several physiological human systems by means of coupled multiphysics model involving different spatial and temporal scales, and are fed with data at the level of proteins, cells, tissues, organs and patient-specific images. In this sense, these models are capable of giving a better understanding of several physiological and pathophysiological aspects of blood circulation as well as of the onset and development of some cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this session is to bring together researchers that are interested in the computational modeling and simulation of the cardiovascular human system and its associated challenging problems involving multiphysics and multiple scales, for example: modeling and computational simulation of the cardiovascular system in normal or altered state due to pathologies or human interventions (surgeries); multiscale soft tissue modeling; growth and cardiovascular adaptation processes; tissue characterization through inverse problems; fluid-solid interaction; biochemical transport.

 . June 30, 2010: Ends the 1st Workshop on Scientific Computing in Medicine Assisted Area.
The National Laboratory for Scientific Computation (LNCC / MCT) in Petrópolis (RJ), promotes today (30) On the 1st Workshop Scientific Computing in Health Applications. The event is an initiative of the National Institute of Science and Technology-Assisted Medical Scientific Computing (INCT-MACC), coordinated by the LNCC. The audience of 57 national and international institutions consists of 160 professionals in the areas of computer science and medicine participate in activities aimed at establishing more interactivity between the two camps estudo. Created in 2009, INCT MACC is a virtual institute that brings together 23 laboratories in 11 Brazilian states and in over 10 countries.

 . June 28-30, 2010: 1st Workshop on Scientific Computing in Health Applications.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together national and international researchers somehow related through each other through the activities of the INCT-MACC in order to divulge the most recent advances in their corresponding areas of research. In addition, the workshop will serve to promote the INCT-MACC meetings with the aim of assessing the results obtained throughout the first year of existence of the institute. Moreover, the workshop will congregate renowned international researchers for them to provide their perspectives in their corresponding areas of research aiming at evaluating the directions taken by the associated laboratories within the INCT-MACC in terms of their activities plan.

 . March 19, 2009: Computer use contributes to the advancement of medicine in the country.
The increasing popularity of internet use, upgrading databases online,simulating real environments and the development of modern techniques of imaging in three dimensions (3D) by means of computers will, over the coming years, bring huge advances in medicine in the country assessment is the coordinator of the National Institute of Science & Technology in Medicine Assisted by Scientific Computing (INCT-MACC), Raul Antonino Feijóo.

 . May 6-7, 2008: Workshop on Present and Future Trends in Computational Modeling of the Cardiovascular System.
The purpose of the workshop was to bring together researchers, post graduate students and professionals from medicine, biology and engineering interested in the state of the art and future trends in the development of computational modeling of the cardiovascular system using patient-specific data. This event has been inserted in the scientific activities of the MACC Project on Medicine Assisted by Scientific Computing, of the HeMoLab Project on Hemodynamic Modeling and Computational Simulation, as well as of the commemorations of the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Clementino Fraga Filho University Hospital of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and of the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the School of Medicine of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The event realization was successfull taking into account the interaction and receptivity of the coming participants from the areas of Medicine and Computational Modelling.

 . November 26, 2007: Seminar at LNCC. “Modelagem e Simulação Computacional de Sistemas Complexos: Sistema Cardiovascular Humano”. Speaker: Raúl A. Feijóo – Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica – LNCC.
Using variational formulations, it will be shown several issues concerning the simulation and computational modeling of the human cardiovascular system, that is: medical image processing (image segmentation and enhancement) and geometrical characterization of arterial districts; development of multidimensional models and the coupling between them; multiscale modeling to characterize mechanical properties of biological tissues (arterial wall). Finally, it will be presented the HeMoLab system, that allows to integrate the different computational tools needed to solve the aforementioned problems, as well as numerical results obtained in the analysis of aneurysms and stenoses.

 . May 21, 2007: Job position in the Medical Images Processing area.
The National Laboratory for Scientific Computation (LNCC), through the Hemodynamics Modelling Laboratory (HeMoLab), communicates the opening of a job position for graduated, in D.Sc. level, in the areas of Engineering and/or Computation, to carry out research and development activities in the Medical Images Processing area within the HeMoLab development and research group.

 . April 8, 2007:
 Launching of the new version of the website.
The new version of the website is launched, with new sections and images.

 . December 20, 2006: Multidimensional Modelling for the Carotid Artery Blood Flow”– among the most downloaded articles in the ScienceDirect website.
The article “Multidimensional Modelling for the Carotid Artery Blood Flow” authored by the researcher Raul A. Feijóo and by the D.Sc. student Pablo Javier Blanco, from LNCC-National Laboratory for Scientific Computation, is one of the highlights in the list “TOP25 Hottest Articles” of the Science Direct website.
The work occupies the third place in the ranking in the period of April – June of 2006 and has been recently published in the Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering journal (volume 195, issue 33-36, 1 july 2006, pages 4002-4017). The manuscript still have the participation of the researchers Marcelo Javier Vénere and Santiago Urquiza, from the PLADEMA-CNEA (Universidad Nacional del Centro de La Província de Buenos Aires) and from the Bioengineering Laboratory (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata) respectively.

 . December 1st, 2006: Professor R. Feijóo awarded scientific prize in Argentina.
Professor R. Feijóo was awarded the “Premio AMCA Internacional a la Tayectoria Científica” (AMCA International Prize for the scientific career) by AMCA (Argentinian Mechanical Computational Association) for his important contributions in the field of Computational Mechanics, his constant activity in the formation of human resources and his recognized work in the interaction with Argentine research groups. The award is granted to scientists who have contributed with significant advances for science in the area of Computational Mechanics. The jury, consisting of researchers Fernando Basombrio, Alberto Cardona, Adrián Cisilino, Eduardo Dvorkin, Guillermo Etse, Juan Carlos Ferreri and Victorio Sonzogni, chose professor Feijóo, for unanimity between all the candidates.

 . September 22, 2006: Launching of the new site.
The new website of the project is launched.

 . September 3-5, 2006: Workshop honouring Prof. Raúl A. Feijóo.
The workshop “Variational Formulations in Mechanics: Theory and Applications” will take place at the LNCC installations. It will be organized jointly by researchers from Brazil , Argentina , Venezuela and U.K. in honor for the 60th birthday of  Professor Raúl A. Feijóo, the HeMoLab project coordinator.

 . August 8-11, 2006: 
Activities during the 2nd LNCC Meeting on Computational Modelling.
The 2nd LNCC Meeting on Computational Modelling will be carried out at the LNCC installations. Several researchers from diverse institutions will have the opportunity to visit the HeMoLab laboratory.

 . July 20, 2006:
 Video-Conference SBPC.
The project will be presented in Video-Conference to the SBPC – Brazilian Society for the Science Progress, during the 58th annual meeting of the SBPC, which will take place in Florianópolis-SC from July 16 to 21, 2006.

 . July 10, 2006: Release from the beta version 0.8 of HeMoLab.

The first version of the software was launched. It allows visualizing properties of the simplified unidimensional arterial network and visualizing the results of the respective simulations as well.
